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Graphic Designing - Not Just A Canva Template!

Showing how MacD doing their marketing

This stands true for most businesses in today's reel-obsessed, ever-scrolling world. It's no secret that visual aspects of a business, like a logo and colors, are essential building blocks for a strong brand identity. However, we need to pay more attention to the importance of good graphic design. 

Some of the essential ones are:

1. A Strong Message

Story-telling is at the core of any marketing campaign, and what better way to tell a story than by using popping colours, different shapes, and unique graphics that all work together to create a harmonious big picture?! Simple design decisions like colour palette and font choice can have a resounding ripple effect.

Multiple emotion on one designa

A good graphic is like art; it can harness your audience's emotions and foster bonds that can last a lifetime. After all, there's a reason why, even decades later, people were going gaga over Barbie pink.

2. Consistency Brings Credibility

For branding to be successful, graphic design must be approached with unity and consistency. Strategic use of logos, graphics, and visuals on your website, social media handles, and other channels can contribute to developing a memorable brand with increased exposure. 

Just think of Apple’s consistent minimalist aesthetic that makes you recognize their billboard from miles away!

I phone banner

This is why you need a team of professionals who can create a strategic plan that works for your specific business and stick to it. Although experimentation may be tempting - too much variety can create chaos. You need to find the sweet spot where it’s just enough.

3. Clear Communication

It's been proven that infographics are significantly more effective and engaging in communicating essential information with your audience. The Burger King logo is a perfect example of a clear, clean, and bold logo that tells you exactly what they sell.

Whether you are a homegrown small business or a multimillion conglomerate, if you're not using posters, social media posts, presentations, images, etc., to express your brand values and story, you're not living up to your full potential.

4. Showcase Creativity

Cocacola Marketing

Graphic design is a playground of creativity, and unique visuals are highly effective in increasing relatability while addressing pressing pain points for customers and providing innovative solutions. Even simple, fun, and quirky campaigns like this one by Coca-Cola work wonders just because of the sheer joy they can bring to viewers!

Graphic designing also provides plenty of fertile ground to outshine the competition, all in the spirit of creativity! Effective graphic designing can help you reach high visibility - even becoming viral! And as is well known, visibility directly translates into sales. 

5. Digital Marketing 

With audiences' attention spans being shorter than ever in the world of digital marketing, graphic design is essential to drawing in and holding onto their interest. Compared to simple text, visual content has a higher chance of being consumed and retained. Graphic design is where most of digital marketing happens. 

Finding it difficult to believe? Let’s go back to the Barbie marketing team for their “This Barbie..” template and selfie-generating campaign that went viral last year. 

Barbie Movie

It's a service you can no longer ignore – and now you can also enjoy custom-tailored attention from our experts. 

Good graphic design is a building block for effective branding in the 21st century. No one wants a confused clutter, and your brand's literal image needs to be clear, consistent, and creative.  

So what do you do now?


It's time to step back and ask yourself if you are doing justice to your brand. There is no doubt that your company's graphic designer is responsible for your first impression to a customer, and you need to ensure that they are putting in everything they have to make your brand stand out. 

From brand consistency to overcoming competition, your design team is responsible for a lot more than you think. 

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